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Join us as we partner with Siemens and Kennametal in showing how to improve the efficiency of your machining process by combining the right software, tooling, and machine. The Siemens Adaptive Control & Monitoring (ACM) software monitors the current cutting conditions in real-time and automatically adjusts the feed rate to the optimal level. Kennametal will showcase their HARVI I-TE and KOR6 Solid Carbide End Mill product line for high performance roughing and finishing with the same tool. Together, we will apply this software and tooling while machining a structural bracket from 4140 steel on our 5-axis G550 universal machining center. With this software, tooling, and machine combination, we will reduce cycle time, increase tool life, and protect the machine components while ensuring a stable process and part accuracy.

Gain access to the full recording
of the GROB-Webinar now

Optimizing the Machining Process for Increased Productivity

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Your contact person for


Ms. Bailey Hennon
+(419) 369-1203

GROB Systems, Inc.
1070 Navajo Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817