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GROB-Webinar with OPEN MIND Technologies

We’re gearing up for the holidays with this special machining demonstration. In collaboration with OPEN MIND Technologies, GROB will machine Santa’s sleigh out of aluminum on our G350 horizontal machining center. Watch as our two technologies come together to create an intricate and complex part in one setup. Expect to see 5-axis machining utilizing advanced techniques such as using barrel cutters for high quality finished surfaces. Other features of the sleigh will be machined with hyperMILL®’s high precision mode (to surface, not to mesh) and smooth overlap blending techniques.  Some details will utilize endmills that reach up to 5 times their diameter.

Gain access to the full recording of the GROB-Webinar now

Deep Cavity and Gun Drill Machining

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Your contact person for


Ms. Bailey Hennon
+(419) 369-1203

GROB Systems, Inc.
1070 Navajo Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817