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We are excited to present another holiday machining demonstration! In partnership with OPEN MIND Technologies, GROB will machine a Christmas tree ornament out of aluminum on our G150 horizontal spindle machine. Starting from solid round stock we will machine and tab off the entire part to complete the process in one single set up. Expect to see an abundance of 5-axis simultaneous machining from high material removal to finishing. By combining OPEN MIND’s advanced blending techniques and collision avoidance controls, matched with the GROB machine’s unique concept we will achieve fine surface quality in hard to reach areas. 

Gain access to the full recording of the GROB-Webinar now

Webinar Holiday Ornament Machining





Your contact person for


Ms. Bailey Hennon
+(419) 369-1203

GROB Systems, Inc.
1070 Navajo Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817