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This workshop presents a collaboration of GROB Systems, EMUGE-FRANKEN, and OPEN MIND Technologies for the demonstration of a mold part being machined from a solid block of steel. Based off a live event, the mold part was machined on a GROB access-series machine, the G550a, at the EMUGE-FRANKEN Technology Center in West, Boylston, MA. In this webinar, the strategies utilized by the partners will be explained, revealing tips to increase the quality, accuracy, and efficiency throughout the machining process.

Gain access to the full recording
of the GROB-Webinar now

Mold & Die Workshop – Based On a Live Event

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Your contact person for


Ms. Bailey Hennon
+(419) 369-1203

GROB Systems, Inc.
1070 Navajo Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817