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GROB-Webinar with Heidenhain, Fraisa and OPEN MIND

Learn how to take advantage of the latest development in CNC controls, CAM technology and cutting tool selection helping you to master the process chain the most efficient way. This workshop will demonstrate how to save up to 90% on your finishing cuts — while maintaining the desired surface quality. We will explain in engaging presentations and live machine demonstrations how you can improve your manufacturing process by optimizing your process change from CAD-model to finish part down to lot size one. Innovations in CAM-strategies from hyperMILL® MAXX Machining and the innovative barrel cutters from Fraisa will be demonstrated on a GROB G352 5-axis machining center with the latest CNC and motion control from HEIDENHAIN.

Gain access to the full recording of the GROB-Webinar now

Virtual 5-Axis Workshop

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Your contact person for


Ms. Bailey Hennon
+(419) 369-1203

GROB Systems, Inc.
1070 Navajo Drive
Bluffton, OH 45817