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Customer TechStories

GROB in action: Our user reports inform you about exciting projects with our customers and show the efficient use of our latest products and technologies.

Employees in conversation
Wessel-Hydraulik GmbH, a company rich in tradition and with over 60 years of experience in the development and production of hydraulic control technology, has consistently modernized its production processes in recent years. With 130 employees and an annual turnover of around 20 million euros, the…
[Translate to en:] GMP300 von GROB
GROB-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG, in cooperation with Siegfried Hofmann GmbH, is revolutio-nizing the production of particle foam tools: Thanks to the innovative GROB Metal Printing Process (GMP), foam tools made of aluminum are produced in just a few days.
The company Druckguss Westfalen, based in North Rhine-Westphalia, has been serving its customers for over 50 years. As a specialist in aluminum die casting, the company mainly manufactures components for the automotive industry, both for electromobility and for internal combustion engines.
[Translate to en US:] GROB-WERKE und Mandatec AG im Gespräch
For the past ten years, there has been a successful collaboration between Mandatec AG, based in Switzerland, and the Bavarian machine and plant manufacturer, GROB-WERKE. The story of their success began inconspicuously in 2013, starting from their first encounter at an international trade fair to…
The fact that GROB works successfully in the field of electromobility with not only OEMs is shown by the cooperation with eAx solutions, a Berlin-based subsidiary of Bosch and development service provider that deals with, among other things, the development and industrialization of electric axle…
With a forward-looking overall concept consisting of a G350 Access, a flexible GROB GRC-R20 robot cell with integrated GRESSEL R-C2 clamping system and control software from PROCAM, GROB, as the general contractor for thyssenkrupp Automotiv Body Solutions, enables automated production of a flexible…
Workpieces Blum-Novotest
Automation perfectly matched to its own needs, the possibility of deep hole drilling up to 280 mm, and an intelligent control system were the winning arguments for the measuring equipment manufacturer Blum-Novotest GmbH to choose a GROB G150 universal machine with a GROB GRC-R60 robot cell and GROB…
GROB employee with customer
In 2024, the world's largest optical telescope is scheduled to go into operation in Chile: the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) with a mirror diameter of 39 meters. It will study planets and image distant galaxies in greater detail than ever before.
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