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135 new apprentices – 64 in Mindelheim, 36 in the U.S., 10 in Brazil, and 25 in China – started their training in GROB Group this year. It is noteworthy that almost twice as many trainees started their careers at the American GROB plant in Bluffton as in 2020.
Apprentices of GROB 2021

Likewise, in the new year, we won over eight more young people for a career at GROB in Mindelheim than in the previous year. Although the specializations remained the same as last year, the number of apprentices in the individual professions has changed direction towards the new requirements in the automotive industry. While last year ten young people decided to start an apprenticeship as electronics engineers for automation technology, the number rose to 14 this year. The numbers for the other disciplines remained almost constant: industrial mechanics 12 (2020: 10), mechatronics engineers 12 (12), technical product designers 6 ( 6), warehouse logistics specialists 1 (1), industrial clerks 3 (3), IT specialists 3 (1), machinists for milling technology 2 (2), material testers 1 (1), and construction mechanics 2 (1). In addition, a total of eight students began their dual studies: two in electrical engineering and information technology and six in mechanical engineering studies. 


“We are also noticing the change in the automotive industry in vocational training,” explains GROB Mechanics Training Manager, Werner Drexel. “During the current transformation process, it has been important to optimize and adapt the existing latitude in the training curriculum frameworks as much as possible for this.” Particularly in the important area of electromobility, the priorities have been adjusted and the training curricula and contents have been aligned even more with the requirements of new technologies. As another new feature of GROB's vocational training, all apprentices receive a digital device in their first year of training for keeping a report portfolio and to serve as an interface to the learning platform and relocation planning.


Traditionally, GROB plants abroad also place great value on well-trained junior staff. Ten apprentices started in Brazil and 25 in the plant in Dalian, China. The development of apprenticeships at GROB USA is particularly exciting: The number of apprentices has almost doubled to 36 (18 mechanics and 18 electrical engineers).  "As the U.S. automotive industry heads towards electromobility, we are increasingly looking for apprentices that we can train to support these upcoming projects as part of our highly skilled workforce. We are excited to welcome 36 new apprentices this year and we are already starting to look for next year’s class of apprentices," explains Dean Kales, Training Coordinator at GROB Bluffton.