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At several events over the past weeks GROB has been recruiting young people who are looking for an apprenticeship. As the largest training company in the Unterallgäu district, GROB also took part in the national Girls' Day event, and allowed forty girls from various schools to get a taste of working in industrial/technical professions.
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To be able to cover the high demand for skilled workers, GROB has constantly developed its industrial/technical and commercial vocational training, and now trains around one hundred young people a year in ten different apprenticeships in its ultra-modern training center. Against the background of demographic change, vocational training is increasingly becoming a hotly debated topic. The central question is how young people can best be reached and recruited for an apprenticeship at GROB. 


The training department at GROB-WERKE therefore staged its second "JOB-CHECK" recruiting event, to which pupils from fifty local middle and secondary schools, grammar schools, business schools and specialist and vocational colleges were invited with their parents.


On 27 April, GROB also opened its doors to interested schoolgirls as part of the national GIRLS' DAY, to inform them about apprenticeships and study courses in which women have to date not been well represented. The full day program was rounded off with a tour of the company and a technology rally, where technical skills could be tested on various tasks and materials. 


School partnerships with many schools in Mindelheim 

In mid-May the school partnership between GROB and the Maria-Ward secondary school in Mindelheim was signed. After Mindelheim middle school, the Marist College secondary school and the Marist College grammar school in Mindelheim, the Maria-Ward secondary school is now the fourth school to enter into a partnership with GROB. Werner Drexel, Director of Apprenticeships in Mechanical Engineering at GROB, explains the importance of these school partnerships: "We want to use these partnerships to intensify our contacts with schools and deepen the constant exchange with teachers and pupils, and also with parents."  

Applications for places in 2018

While the training department is currently preparing for the 100 new trainees who will begin their training at GROB in September of this year, the company is receiving the first applications for apprenticeships in 2018. Following the positive performance of all the events, the training team is very sure that some of the visitors to the recruiting events will be among the applicants for apprenticeships in 2018.