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81 trainees in Mindelheim, 120 trainees worldwide. Never before have so many apprenticeships been offered and accepted. Right now more than 250 young people are training in Mindelheim alone.

GROB has by far the largest – and one of the most attractive – training operations in the Unterallgäu region, amply demonstrated by the impressive number of young people who have started their careers at GROB. In 2014 there were 64, and in 2015 the number jumped to 73. For this year the number of available apprenticeships was increased again to 81. Since September 1, 2016 more than 250 young people in Mindelheim are undergoing training which, depending on the occupation, can last between three and three and a half years.

It is also very encouraging that interest in a course of dual studies continues to grow. This year, six high school graduates have started university studies in mechanical engineering, and an additional six have undertaken studies in electrical and information engineering. Since 2001, and in conjunction with the Ulm University of Applied Sciences, GROB has offered dual majors following the “Ulm model” – a good alternative to classical university education. In addition to university studies, this dual program offers specific vocational training. In only four and a half years, two full diplomas can be earned: skilled worker’s certificate in a recognized occupation as well as a bachelor of engineering diploma from the university.

Recruiting for 2017 apprentices has already been underway for several months. In order to reach young people just at the time when they have to choose vocational training, pupils of relevant schools are invited to an informational event at GROB the year before graduation. This year the event was changed somewhat and modernized, including its name. Under the slogan “Kick off your career with an apprenticeship”, students from twenty secondary schools as well as high schools were invited to “JOB CHECK 2016”, a two-afternoon event where they learned about vocational training at GROB.  The event took place in the training center in hall 12 where the girls and boys had the opportunity to chat with apprentices and trainers alike, and make a first acquaintanceship with the world of machine tools.

“The event format was quite successful, and the young people showed a lot of interest,” said Werner Drexel, director of training in mechanics at GROB. “Next year, however, we’ll hold the event in early summer in order to reach more visitors”. Then the 2018 graduates will be invited. “Recruitment of future GROB trainees has become a year-round task – but that is okay. After all, training at GROB continues to be a keystone of company policy,” Drexel stated, explaining the importance of vocational training at GROB.

Training likewise continues at GROB subsidiary plants. At the American plant in Bluffton, 29 apprentices have begun training (15 in the electronics area and 14 in the mechanical field). In the Brazilian plant in São Paulo, ten trainees have started their careers at GROB.