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A change of branch management occurred at GROB BENELUX B.V. at the start of July. Mr. Gerard Bogaarts is the new head of the GROB Benelux sales and service branch, whose head office has been located in SH Hengelo, Netherlands, since its foundation in 2018.
Gerard Bogaarts

The married father Gerard Bogaarts has over 40 years of experience in machine construction. He acquired his expertise in sales and customer training at various renowned machine manufacturers. "We are pleased to have been able to appoint Mr. Bogaarts at our branch in Hengelo/Netherlands," declares Christian Müller, CSO of GROB-WERKE. "His extensive experience in a range of management positions and his excellent market knowledge are ideal credentials for the continued development of our sales and service branch in SH Hengelo."


Since its foundation in 2018, GROB BENELUX B.V. has grown to a team of eight employees. Two sales and five service staff as well as one back-office staff member ensure that GROB customers are well looked-after in the emerging Benelux countries, primarily in Holland. In the Belgium and Luxembourg markets they are supported by a local representative office.


In the Netherlands, the universal machining centers and automation systems are the primary GROB target products. GROB primarily operates in the semiconductor, aerospace, and mold making markets in this region.


The Netherlands also has a strong electronics industry as well as a large component market. "Electromobility is not yet an issue of any relevance in the Netherlands," explains Bogaarts. "DAF is the most important player in the system business and already uses a large number of our machines." Belgium is a strong market in the aviation sector as well as in machine construction. Here, too, the product focus is on GROB universal machining centers with automation and digitalization.


In summary, it can be said that the Netherlands and Belgium are two very differentiated markets with a high customer mix comprised of medium-sized enterprises with small volumes.