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GROB has achieved further milestones in the expansion of its sales and service network with the founding of two new sales and service branches in Hengelo (Netherlands) and Steinhausen (Switzerland). This brings the number of GROB's worldwide sales branches to thirteen.

Mindelheim. GROB is continuing to expand its global sales and service network. At the start of this year, the company founded two new branches in the Netherlands and Switzerland as part of its drive to extend its reach and provide optimum support for GROB customers. 

Shortly after the newly founded GROB Schweiz AG branch in Steinhausen, near Lucerne (Switzerland), opened its doors, the GROB Benelux BV branch in Hengelo (Holland), close to the Dutch-German border, started operations at the beginning of January. This is an important site in the emerging Benelux countries. The Dutch market has developed particularly well, especially in the fields of aerospace, tool and die construction and we are benefiting from this with our own service personnel on site. Our goal for both markets – Benelux countries and Switzerland – is to create significantly more opportunities to tap into these regions by establishing much closer relationships with customers and embedding local service teams on the ground. In addition to existing customers from the automotive and machine manufacturing sectors, we also want to inspire small and medium-sized enterprises by showing them the technological benefits of GROB's 5-axis machining centers. 

GROB's long-term sales partner in the Benelux region, Mr Eric Huiskes, is the Managing Director of GROB Benelux BV in Hengelo. Mr Harald Folk is the Managing Director of GROB Schweiz AG. Backed by a wealth of experience in the industry, he knows the Swiss market extremely well and brings everything we need for a great start. Our Swiss partner Reimmann will continue to support our customers in Switzerland and will remain a sales partner.