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An outstanding presentation, impressive products, a third more offer inquiries than two years before at EMO 2011, and an extremely positive response from visitors to our exhibition stand. These are the cornerstones of GROB’s most successful appearance yet at the EMO which came to an end last Saturday in Hanover.

Our stand personnel went to EMO 2013 in Hanover with high expectations. And with good reason. Never before in the history of GROB-WERKE had so much time and money been invested in a trade fair. And the results could easily be seen. At its 1,650 m² stand, GROB-WERKE presented its current technological expertise, in systems business as well as universal machines. And the response during the fair’s entire six-day run was overwhelming. The upgraded G350 and G550 as well as the brand-new G750 attracted substantial interest among visitors to the GROB stand. Of course, the completely new G750 received the greatest amount of attention, especially among representatives of the aerospace and mold-making sectors.


Great Encouragement from all Directions
There was also a positive reaction to the customers’ workpieces showcased at EMO 2013. Numerous customers could see their products on display, and the workpieces also emphasized GROB’s technological know-how. “At EMO 2013 we definitively asserted ourselves on the market as a manufacturer of high-quality universal machines,” Jochen Nahl, GROB Sales and Marketing Director, stated at the end of the trade fair. “Right here at EMO we were able to demonstrate that we have been able to apply our distinctive expertise in process technology developed in the systems sector, and have established ourselves in the universal machine business.” This development has resulted in GROB receiving increasing respect as a manufacturer of universal machines.


Representatives of the automotive industry also provided great support for GROB technologies and products. “In the systems business we also demonstrated that we’ve developed further compared to the last EMO in 2011”, stated German Wankmiller, chairman of the board, in a positive assessment. “We can look back on a good response from visitors representing the retail market of the G-module range as well as the systems sector. This is proof that our dual-track approach is tops.”


GROB Display with high Recognition Values
However, visitors to the GROB stand were impressed not only by innovative products and number of new technologies, they were also struck by the entire GROB-WERKE exhibit.  “Of course, we are pleased that our new image caught on with visitors and especially our customers,” Christian Grob, company chief representative, declared. “This is an image that reflects the current development of GROB-WERKE. And not just that. The rapport among the members of the entire trade fair team, their hard work both before and during the fair contributed to the high level of attractiveness of our exhibit. I would especially like to thank our employees for their efforts.”