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The first GROB aerospace seminar, held in the new Technology and Applications Center in Mindelheim was a great success. During this two-day event at the beginning of May, more than fifty participants from eleven countries were able to learn about the potential applications of the GROB 5-axis universal machining centers in the aerospace sector. Additional seminars of this type are planned this year in Shanghai, Bluffton and Querétaro.

It’s no accident that more than 25 percent of GROB universal machines are purchased by customers in the aerospace sector. With its outstanding features (rigidity, swarf drop, and wide table swivel range) the machine concept particularly meets the requirements of the aerospace industry. Increased demand for airplanes at Boeing and Airbus as well as new, more efficient engine projects are increasingly pushing manufacturers to seek automated applications. Here GROB can rely on its long-term automation experience in the automotive sector.

The seminar program was directed toward the special requirements of the aerospace industry. Live chipping demonstrations using aluminum, titanium and Inco alloys attracted a lot of attention among the attendees. Aerospace-oriented presentations likewise engaged the interest of participants. “We were thus able to offer our guests an interesting and all-round successful event,” GROB managers stated, assessing the positive outcome of the program. “This was particularly demonstrated by a few concrete inquiries from the participants. This showed that with our 5-axis universal machining centers we can offer an extraordinarily powerful product for a wide range of applications”.