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Mindelheim. GROB has continued to develop its proprietary industry software and platform technology GROB-NET4Industry in line with its digitalization strategy.

The solution is now production ready for a wide range of applications. GROB-NET4Industry is a platform that can be used to operate different applications (apps) in a certified German cloud. In addition to this in-house development, GROB has also been focusing on standardizing interfaces as part of the KonI4.0 activities of the German Machine Tool Builders' Association.


The aim of these activities is to enable different controllers such as SIEMENS, HEIDENHAIN and FANUC to connect to the platform technology using a standardized data semantic. GROB has added a further important component to its digitalization strategy with MindSphere from SIEMENS. GROB became a founding member of the MindSphere World organization on January 23, 2018, and was elected to the advisory board.