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GROB-WERKE was honored with the Fitness-Indirect World Excellence Award at the 22nd Ford World Excellence Award ceremony. For GROB this is an important award against the background of the further expansion of the joint cooperation with Ford, especially in the field of electromobility.
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GROB-WERKE has already been awarded one of the Ford World Excellence Awards many times, but never with the Fitness-Indirect Award. According to Ford's definition, "fitness" stands for quick reactions, "indirect" for the procurement of capital goods and "World Excellence Award" for best quality worldwide. An award that was presented to GROB-WERKE on the occasion of this year's "World Excellence Awards ceremony". According to the circumstances, however, the award ceremony on October 30 could only be held virtually.


On behalf of the GROB management and all GROB employees, GROB Systems President Michael Hutecker expressed his thanks at the handover: „We are very proud to have received the Fitness-Indirect-Award. It recognizes our continued good cooperation in the field of combustion engines in the Godzilla program as well as in all the new developments in the field of electromobility.” He continued: “We will continue to support Ford in the development of technology solutions in order to continue the close and strong cooperation between Ford and GROB in the coming years.”


Every year, Ford honors its best suppliers in various categories with the World Excellence Award. The Fitness-Indirect Award is presented to suppliers who make an exemplary contribution to the Ford principles of “quality”, “lasting value” and “innovation”. “GROB is currently in the midst of the transformation of vehicle drives and has performed very well so far” says GROB CSO Christian Müller, who is also delighted about the award “We recognized the course set by Ford at an early stage and adapted our product portfolio to the new requirements of Ford. This enabled us to develop the first cooperations with Ford in the field of electromobility and we want to further expand this relationship together.”