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A new hall with a total of 30,000 m², a third energy center with around 4,000 m² and an employee parking garage, which offers over 1,500 parking spaces in its first expansion stage. These are the cornerstones of the current investments at the GROB site in Mindelheim, which amount to a total of 80 million euros.
GROB-WERKE in Mindelheim, construction of new hall
GROB-WERKE in Mindelheim, construction of new hall

Work on the 150,000 m² hall 15 A at the GROB headquarters in Mindelheim is currently progressing under demanding time constraints. A hall the size of two soccer fields that needs to be completed by no later than the start of October this year. While construction is going to plan, the hall is expected to provide the possibility of setting up the commissioned machines and systems as early as four weeks prior to the planned completion date.


Hall 15 A/B is not just a production hall. An office wing installed at the front will provide a new home for design engineers from the Mechanics and Control Technology units. Design engineers that are responsible for the e-mobility, e-drives, and battery systems process technologies. The plan is also to integrate a separate branch of the canteen into this hall.


New hall 15 A/B: Cornerstone of the GROB corporate strategy


The investment in hall 15 A and B is enormously important for GROB. "Our strategy and the company's growth is directly linked to orders for battery systems", says the Chairman of the GROB Management Board and CEO, German Wankmiller. "And these orders for battery systems not only have a huge sales volume, they also require a great deal of space. Our experience shows that it is precisely these orders for which our customers often submit change requests, preventing the seamless product development of these systems. And, unfortunately, we do not expect this to change much in the future."


Third energy center ensures the decentralization of the heat supply


The rising demand for thermal energy and electricity means that GROB will need to give even more attention to the issue of "securing its energy supply" in the future. In a further milestone, this third energy center will generate heat with renewable resources, such as wood chips. What's more, the combined heat and power plant installed in this energy center will allow GROB to produce its own electricity. Together with the existing northern energy center and the second energy center in the midst of the company, which has been operating efficiently for ten years, this third energy center further expands GROB's heat supply. Construction is expected to commence at the end of this year, with completion scheduled for the end of 2025.


First development stage of the car park to be completed by 2025


The third major investment project currently in progress at the Mindelheim location involves the construction of a six-level car park providing 1,575 spaces and a pedestrian bridge over federal highway B16. Construction started in June this year and is expected to take 12 months. "As we need around 4,000 spaces for our employees and their vehicles on average, the first development stage can only be considered a partial solution that will need to be expanded in future," explains German Wankmiller.