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At the end of last year, GROB-WERKE had the opportunity to report on its strategy regarding “change in the automotive industry” at one of FORD’s most important events, the Top Supplier Meeting. Christian Müller, GROB’s Head of Sales for the US, informed the audience of over two hundred FORD suppliers and the global FORD procurement team about how GROB has continuously embraced new challenges in the automotive industry for many years now and how the company continuously evolves its vision of “business fitness” to ensure it remains as flexible as possible and retains its position as a technology leader.

Detroit. FORD's Top Supplier events have a long history. The “Indirect Purchasing Top Supplier Meeting” is aimed at suppliers that provide FORD with systems for manufacturing vehicle components (including GROB) and also services such as IT and construction activities (hall construction). Indirect suppliers are suppliers who do not provide FORD with vehicle components. The purpose of the event is to give suppliers insight into FORD’s activities in different regions across the world, to show them FORD’s idea of a corporate vision and to prepare them for the challenges of the future. 

New key topics for the future
The industry is facing increasingly tough challenges from areas such as electric mobility, connectivity and autonomous driving. This is not just something that affects car manufacturers. Suppliers also have to face these hurdles, and manufacturers believe that they will have to take on new tasks in the long term. Last year, when Jim Hackett, took on his new role as CEO of FORD, he redefined this trend in FORD’s corporate strategy under the banner of “business fitness”. He wants to make FORD fit for the future and has defined clear tasks and goals under the “business fit” slogan. “Against this backdrop, we were asked to present our vision of business fitness at the Top Supplier Meeting,” says Christian Müller, explaining the reasons for his presentation. “GROB is a long-standing partner to FORD and has a great reputation at the company. We’ve always adapted our corporate strategy to the automotive industry’s strategy and continuously evolved as a result. As such, we already meet FORD’s “business fitness” criteria. GROB continuously embraces new topics and develops new technologies, for example in the field of electric mobility. We see these areas as opportunities rather than risks.” 

GROB – Long-standing partner of the FORD Motor Company
GROB and FORD have been partners for many years, establishing a relationship built on a strong foundation of trust and mutual respect. This was highlighted in May 2015, when GROB was made an “ABF Supplier”. As a strategic supplier, the company is in continuous contact with FORD. GROB has been taking part in Top Supplier Meetings for a number of years and is in the spotlight at these events thanks to its expertise and accolades as an ABF supplier. FORD wants all of its suppliers to tackle new tasks head on, become business fit and to work with the company on new technologies – all under the motto of “letting go of the past and accepting that the future is being made right here and right now”.