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For the sixth time - and for the fifth consecutive year - GROB-WERKE has been recognized by SAIC-General Motors Co., Ltd (SGM) in China with a “Supplier Award”. The Focus Business magazine voted GROB-WERKE one of Germany's top employers in the machine and plant engineering sector.

GROB-WERKE has won the SGM Supplier Award for the sixth time, and for the fifth year in succession. The award was received at the 19th Annual Suppliers Conference in Wuhan/Hubei, China by Hongzhi Ren, CEO of GROB China. “Receiving this year's ‘Excellent Supplier’ award is a great honor for us”, stated Hongzhi Ren at the awards event. "Since this award is not for a single project, but for all projects in the past year."


GROB-WERKE already received its first award from SGM ten years ago, when it was honored with the “Best Supplier Award 2006”. Six years later GROB-WERKE received the special “Breakthrough and Innovations Award” for its extraordinary innovations – the sole German machine tool company to be so recognized. SAIC-General Motors Corporation is a joint venture founded in 2002 between the Automotive Industry Corporation (China) and the General Motors Corporation (USA).

GROB-WERKE can also be proud of another award, conferred by the Focus Business magazine. Receiving the seal for the best employer, GROB-WERKE qualified among the top employers in Germany in the category "Best Employer in Machine and Plant Engineering".

For the fifth time, Focus Business magazine carried out an extensive study to reveal the companies which offer their employees ideal working conditions. The large-scale Focus ranking lists all those companies in Germany where employees are particularly satisfied with their work.


For ease of comparison, the appointed agency, Statista, categorized the companies in 22 sectors, as well as large (from 2001 employees in Germany) and medium employers (500 to 2000 employees in Germany), to produce a list of the 1000 best national employers in 2017 in a wide range of industries. In the study, more than 18,000 employees throughout Germany completed anonymous surveys. They were asked more than fifty questions about their employer, covering all topics relevant to work, such as working atmosphere, internal communication, pay, image and management style.


Also vital for ranking as "Germany's best employer" was the question regarding the willingness of employees to recommend their own employer to friends and family. A willingness that is greatest when underlying conditions are more or less perfect in the company. These include an exemplary organized occupational welfare and up-to-date social installations, dining areas in all production facilities and an ultramodern company medical service.


"A central idea of the GROB family philosophy", according to the results of the study, "meaning that GROB-WERKE, with its high-quality training program, GROB personnel development and an attractive social network, will continue to hold a leading position in the competition for expert employees in the future".