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For the first time in the company's history, GROB-WERKE has been honored for its "exceptional performance and commitment to innovation" in the e-mobility sector. Recognized by the Volkswagen Group not only in one of the six award categories, the company is also the only one in the e-mobility category, which is so important for Volkswagen.

"Our company has previously been recognized for many outstanding achievements by our employees," said German Wankmiller, Chairman of the Board & CEO of GROB, at the award ceremony. "But we have never received an award in the 'e-mobility' category before. This award is a special honor for us, because this is a relatively new business area for us!" The awards were presented by members of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Group, which includes the brands Volkswagen, Audi, and Porsche, with one of the board members paying tribute to each company being honored.


Porsche CEO Oliver Blume gives speech in honor of GROB


The speech in honor of GROB was given by Oliver Blume, CEO of Porsche, who is also responsible for the all production planning across the Volkswagen Group. The speech reflected what was summarized in GROB-WERKE's award certificate, which was signed by Dr. Herbert Diess, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen, and Dr. Stefan Sommer, Board Member Components and Procurement: 


"We are honored to present you, one of our most important business partners, with the Volkswagen Group Award 2019 in the e-mobility category. With this award, we would like to pay tribute to your company's exceptional performance and high level of innovation with which you have contributed to Volkswagen AG's success. You have contributed to successful production with the development and installation of modern assembly lines for important components of electric vehicles. With your collaborative and transparent conduct, you contributed significantly to cost reductions in project APP290 even before the contract was awarded. Through various workshops, you have demonstrated your expertise and commitment to innovation, and were able to meet all pre-series and SOP deadlines after the nomination. Your project implementation is a true benchmark in the field of e-mobility. We would like to thank you for your dedication and look forward to undertaking projects in the future with you as our partner. Congratulations on receiving the Volkswagen Group Award 2019."


The Volkswagen Group Award ceremony took place on July 4 as part of an annual event hosted by the car manufacturer. The Volkswagen Group Award was presented in six categories. In Category 1 for e-mobility (currently the most important category for Volkswagen), GROB was the only company to receive an award.


GROB joins the illustrious circle of Volkswagen FAST partners


In addition to this special occasion, we are pleased to announce that GROB has been integrated into the very exclusive circle of Volkswagen FAST (Future Automotive Supply Tracks) partners. A small circle to which only 63 of more than 40,000 suppliers worldwide belong. "To be honored to such an extent by the world's largest automobile manufacturer is extremely special," enthuses GROB Supervisory Board Chairman Christian Grob. "This award shows us that our strategy is on the right track and we are well prepared to meet all the challenges of the future."