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As part of the GROB in-house exhibition, the GROB Strategy Meeting and Machining Training Days were held again this year with almost one hundred participants consisting of plant and subsidiary managers from all over the world and the entire sales team. The annual Come Together is an important opportunity to meet and exchange ideas “on stage”.
GROB Strategy Meeting 2024
GROB Strategy Meeting 2024
GROB Strategy Meeting 2024
GROB Strategy Meeting 2024

This year's Strategy Meeting was about a direct face-to-face exchange between the Management Board and the 22 GROB plant and subsidiary managers worldwide. The focus was on new technologies and products, but also country-specific tasks and goals for the current financial year. The GROB product portfolio, ranging from machining to e-drives and battery technology, was presented and explained in its various forms. The participants were shown how the GROB Group is developing, which implementation topics the new machine technologies contain and how they are to be implemented technically by means of targeted information events. Focusing always on global customers and workpieces from Asia to Europe and the USA. Another important aspect of the Strategy Meeting was the increasing importance of the GROB Group concept. That is, how important it is to bring together national strategies globally in the interests of the Group and subordinate them to the team concept.


65 UM sales representatives from the GROB Group took part in the Universal Machining Training Days and learned about the production of the new machines and machine technologies. This event also focused on the team concept with the aim of further developing and intensifying the cooperation and exchange between plants, which has proven itself over decades. This includes cooperation between the plants' design departments, which will become internationalized and linked so they can work for the entire GROB Group. “We need new strategies and investments in order to cope with the very complex and dynamic world that is constantly challenging us, and we can only do this on a global scale”, says CEO German Wankmiller, explaining the new challenges. “The shortage of skilled workers, including engineers, is a particular focus, which can only be addressed through close cooperation within the GROB Group.”


GROB’s motto for the Strategy Meeting 2023 was “Sales Puzzle” in order to emphasize how important it is for all employees in Sales to work together and to show that they are already well integrated and working together successfully in GROB Sales. Building on this, the motto for this year's Strategy Meeting 2024, “Sales goes All in”, was a declaration of intent for the future. The motto was also applied at a joint poker evening with the entire sales team and all participants from both events.