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With outstanding vocational school grades, both Julia Lang and Joshua Wilbiller have made it to the very top in their specialist training fields. Julia actually completed each professional school year with an average grade at the highest possible level of 1.0. And for his superb achievements in vocational training, Joshua received the Bavarian State Prize.

Julia Lang trained at GROB as an administrator in office communications. She was able to complete the course by the end of January after just over two years because of a reduction in her training period. In May of last year, she took part in a residential course in England organized by her vocational school and attended the European College of Business and Management. Since early February, she has been supporting our colleagues as an administrator in the controlling department.

Joshua Wilbiller, on the other hand, has finished his training as an industrial mechanic specializing in machine and plant construction – which is mainly a process-and product-oriented training course. He was also offered a reduction in his training period, but he declined it in order to be able to familiarize himself in good time with Mechanical Detail Engineering.

"Both Ms. Lang and Mr. Wilbiller have proved by their excellent grades to be excellent ambassadors for GROB and have once again demonstrated the high quality of GROB's vocational training," wrote GROB management in a thank you letter to the two young employees.

But it is not just Julia Lang and Joshua Wilbiller who have achieved excellent scores in their vocational training courses. A number of other trainees have notched up above-average performances. These results were achieved not least because of the intensive exam preparation in knowledge and skills before the intermediate examination (after 18 months) and also for the final exam at the end of the training period.

There will always be "best in class" and "best in school", but our results are generally 3 to 5 percent above the average of the Swabian Chamber of Commerce scores, and what is more, Swabian Chamber of Commerce students are almost always above the national average.