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With 108 new apprentices and dual study program students at the main plant in Mindelheim alone, this year the total number of apprentices joining the GROB Group worldwide will grow to 192 (15 in Brazil, 13 in China, 1 in Italy, and 45 in the USA). This brings the total number of talented young apprentices currently working in the GROB Group worldwide to 464. A record high.
Apprenticeship at GROB

The main plant in Mindelheim currently offers ten different skilled trades and four dual study programs. Beyond the impressive record number of apprentices recruited (including two apprentices from South Korea who have started their training as machinists), the accompanying measures to modernize the premises and the associated expansion of the training infrastructure are also quite remarkable. "These adjustments were essential in terms of meeting the needs of our apprentices and providing an optimum learning environment", explains Florian Rauch, next to Mr. Andreas Jedelhauser, one of the two training managers at GROB. "All of these investments reflect our commitment to training and supporting the next wave of talented individuals." The vocational schools, too, have responded to the increased demand and expanded their offers accordingly. "We are in close communication with schools to ensure that the training content is optimally aligned to the industrial requirements. This ensures that our apprentices receive high-quality training", explains Andreas Jedelhauser.


Another highlight this year is the return of the "Ice-breaker days" in Klosterwald. "This gives the new apprentices two days to get to know each other in team exercises and also prepare themselves for the challenges of the vocational training", says Rauch with conviction.


Recruitment marketing extends across all social channels


GROB recruitment marketing is diverse and targeted, and has evolved considerably in recent years. For instance, almost all channels such as school internships, school visits, exhibitions, and social media are used to appeal directly to young people and attract them to the GROB training offers. Even just a quick look at the intense competition in the region and the number of companies fighting for the best talent highlights the need for this type of approach. The annual Job4You training day at the GROB training center H12 plays an important role in this respect. It is traditionally held in July and gives young people and their parents a fascinating insight into the modern training options on offer. "This on-site event allows us to provide a much deeper insight into the different training opportunities, which simply cannot be conveyed through the media", Jedelhauser explains the importance of this event. But direct, face-to-face contact with potential young employees extends well beyond this one day. Trial internships and cooperations with schools let us identify talented youngsters early on and motivate them to join GROB. Besides this, GROB also offers interesting career paths and development opportunities that are particularly attractive to young people.


Apprentice exchange program at the GROB plants


The GROB exchange program is very popular amongst apprentices. It gives them a unique opportunity to travel to the GROB plants in the USA, Brazil, and China for a period of three to four weeks. This program lets apprentices gain practical experience in international work environments as well as allowing them to experience different cultural perspectives and work practices first-hand. The exchange is based on the targeted selection of participants who have applied for the program and fosters their professional skills as well as their intercultural awareness and team spirit. The close collaboration with colleagues from other countries lets apprentices expand their network and provides valuable insights into global business processes. Incidentally, the same exchange program is also available for apprentices at the subsidiary plants. They have the opportunity to visit and gain experience at the main plant in Mindelheim.


The special status of an "Apprenticeship at GROB"


The vocational training at GROB sets itself apart with its premium training opportunities as well as its early global possibilities for selected apprentices. The GROB training approach was quick to recognize the importance of focusing on apprentices and supporting good interpersonal contact. "This is something that we are very aware of and we also know that this often makes us a role model for young people", trainer Rauch describes the particularly human component of the vocational training. "We believe that it is important to provide strong and ongoing motivation for our young people and to support, train, and encourage them in their career path so that they ultimately can and want to identify with our company. These days, we go well beyond simply preparing them for real life."