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For the twelfth time GROB-WERKE has been recognized "Best Supplier of the Year" by General Motors Corporation. At the twenty-seventh Award Ceremony on May 17 in Detroit, Christian Grob, the GROB Supervisory Board Chairman, received the award for 2018. This is already the second award from General Motors in a very short period of time after GROB had been named "Supplier of the Year" in China by SAIC-General Motors for the seventh time at the beginning of the year.

The partnership between GROB-WERKE and General Motors Corporation is, in the truest sense of the word, a traditional, global success story. Indeed, this year GROB-WERKE was recognized "Best Supplier of the Year" for the twelfth time by GM headquarters and "Supplier of the Year" for the seventh time by the Chinese GM subsidiary SAIC. Two awards reflecting a global success story shared by the companies for over 25 years.


In the 1990s already, GROB-WERKE was honored six times in a row with this award. Every year, the American automobile manufacturer awards the best of its suppliers – those that exceed the company's expectations, stand out with innovative technologies, best quality management and reliable performance in all areas, from product and delivery quality to service and dependability in cooperation. This year, 133 suppliers from 15 nations were chosen from a total of over 20,000 suppliers worldwide.


"We are very proud to have been one of General Motors Corporation's top suppliers for so many years," says Christian Grob at the award ceremony in Detroit, clearly pleased with the achievement. "Not least because we received this award both in the USA and also from GM's subsidiary SAIC in China." GROB-WERKE and General Motors – a global success story.