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On the occasion of "Supplier Days 2022", the BOCAR Group presented GROB-WERKE with the "Supplier of the Year Award" in recognition of the outstanding, long-standing cooperation and close, strategic partnership between the two companies.
BOCAR Award for GROB

For more than 17 years GROB has accompanied the BOCAR Group, one of the largest automotive suppliers in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 sectors, and during this long partnership has delivered more than 230 CNC machines. Like GROB, BOCAR is a family business, is managed by the second generation and has always seen itself as a Mexican manufacturing company with German DNA. "We have had a very familiar and cooperative relationship with BOCAR for many years and have developed a lot together," Jörg Wagner, branch manager of GROB MEXICO, was pleased to say. "And today, we at BOCAR are proud to be the strong partner for CNC machines in the 5-axis range and have supplied many universal machines that were still loaded by hand. However, our last turnkey projects were double-spindle systems with full automation." 


However, the relationship between BOCAR and GROB is not only characterized by many years of close cooperation. For example, in its laudatory speech, BOCAR spoke of a "strategic partnership based on a high degree of flexibility, great technological know-how and pronounced trust." "In our industry, strategic partnerships are often highly touted. But the relationship between BOCAR and GROB is actually lived," replied Christian Müller, CSO at GROB in his acceptance speech. "We at GROB have also learned in recent years, not least thanks to BOCAR, to work flexibly in a new environment and to handle complex projects better. Just like with the last BOCAR turn-key projects, which have always presented us with great challenges. In fact, I would like to say that we at GROB have also grown in our strategic partnership with BOCAR and have shown, especially in recent turn-key projects with many changes "on the fly", that we are the right partner for BOCAR." Thus, GROB delivered the project on schedule and in quality and has already put it into production at the San Luis Potosí site.


During Supplier Days 2022, BOCAR invited 140 suppliers, presented thirteen "Supplier Awards" and three "Supplier of the Year Awards." GROB was the only machinery supplier and the only technology company to receive a "Supplier of the Year Award," making it the top winner of the event. "BOCAR can be assured that we will continue to work on our partnership," Christian Müller promised. And further: "For us, this award is an injection of energy for our next highly complex turnkey projects, which we will tackle together as partners with a focus on continued good cooperation."


With a total of 8,200 employees worldwide, the BOCAR Group has several production plants in Mexico, a plant in Alabama, USA, as well as a technology center (BTC) and a machine purchasing department (IMEXtrading) in Germany.