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For the third time GROB has won the prestigious Bosch Global Supplier Award, an accolade presented to the Mindelheim-based company for its enduring achievements as "best supplier". GROB's fourth award this year comes in the wake of the Chery Automobile Co. Ltd.'s "Best Partner Supplier Award", the "Volvo Cars Quality Excellence Award" and the "Q.S.T.P. Award" from General Motors.

GROB won the Bosch Global Supplier Award in the category "Indirect Purchasing" and was praised for its particularly good performance in the "manufacture and delivery of products and services". "The Bosch Global Supplier Award is not just global recognition, but it is also an incentive. We are rewarding the achievements of our best suppliers," said Dr. Volkmar Denner, chairman of BOSCH's management board, at the award ceremony in early July in Stuttgart.


Third Bosch Suppliers' Award for GROB
This is the 13th time that the technology and services company has awarded the global suppliers'  award. GROB has already picked up this highly regarded prize twice (2001/2002 and 2003/2004). GROB's chief representative, Christian Grob, was delighted by the award: "We are very pleased as Robert Bosch GmbH, like GROB, is a Tier 1 supplier to the automotive industry. Once again we have demonstrated that in the field of suppliers to the automotive industry, GROB is a valued and highly professional supplier."


Many years of collaboration
There has been a close and trusting partner relationship between Robert Bosch GmbH and GROB for many years, and the GROB plant in Dalian has recently joined the team. Over the last two years our plant in Dalian has started supplying machinery to Bosch locations in China and Europe. Furthermore we have also developed for Bosch a system for the detection of tiny metal particles between spindle and tool and this has been included in Robert Bosch GmbH's production system.


A wide variety of uses
GROB machines also have a place in other areas at BOSCH: so, for example, using GROB machinery Bosch manufactures its housings for diesel injection pumps and safety-related components such as ABS/ESP housings. In recent years it has been supplying mainly full production lines for diesel injection pump manufacturing and universal machines for ABS/ESPs.


And it's not only at BOSCH's headquarters in Germany that GROB machines play their part. Bosch also has factories in Suzhou (China), Jihlava (Czech Republic), Moulins (France), Campinas (Brazil) und Charleston (USA) and GROB machines are in use there too. There are more than one hundred GROB machines in operation throughout Bosch's entire production network.