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The GROB Group walks away with General Motors' Q.S.T.P. award for best supplier of the year for the seventh time. It's a prize with a special significance given the group's strategic partnership with General Motors as its main supplier of all cylinder block lines until 2015.

"It's a great feeling to be selected as Supplier of the Year 2012 by one of your largest customers," said Michael Hutecker, president of GROB Systems in Bluffton/Ohio, at the award ceremony held at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History in Detroit, Michigan.  "Especially as over the next three years we will be GM's main supplier for all cylinder block lines and will be working together on a number of projects." 


Seventh supplier award: proof of a great partnership
Last year GROB delivered numerous metal cutting and assembly machines for two new engine generations in the form of over 100 G-modules and well over 100 assembly machines.  Mr. Hutecker continued: "This is an award, which not only rewards the quality of our work, but it is also an incentive to carry on doing a great job for our customer, General Motors."  GM's prize goes to suppliers who can demonstrate their innovative skills, the high quality of their products and their superior service.  This is the seventh time the GROB Group has won this "Supplier Award". And it is a clear sign of how well our partnership with General Motors has worked over the years. 

Third evidence of high quality in three months
Since the beginning of the year, every month the GROB Group has won an award on almost all continents.   At the end of January GROB received the Volvo Cars Quality Excellence Award for its superb collaboration with the Volvo Car Corporation. In February, GROB won Chery's "Best Partner 2012" award in China and now in March GM's "Supplier of the Year 2012" in North America.   "We welcome any prize that provides evidence of the quality of our work," said Christian Grob, GROB's chief representative.  "At a time when we are making every conceivable effort to do justice to the markets' stringent quantitative requirements around the world, we are especially pleased when, on top of that, our clients also appreciate and honor the quality of our work."    

Over the last three years the GROB Group has invested over US$ 15 million in its plant in Bluffton/USA and increased its annual output of US$ 40 million to over US$ 160 million.  Further investment in expanding GROB's machining resources is planned for the current financial year.