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Just under a thousand visitors, twenty machines sold, satisfied exhibition partners and an excellent promotion for the GROB brand. GROB’s third open house exhibition did not only bring to an end an extremely successful year of trade fairs, it also serves as a reminder that 2013 has proved to be very successful 12 months.

Almost a thousand visitors from Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Korea and China attended GROB’s third open house exhibition between November 13 and 16 in Hall 9 in Mindelheim. Approximately two months after the EMO in Hanover, GROB’s sales team offered many of its customers the opportunity to see the real Mindelheim plant for themselves, not just to admire the versatility of GROB’s universal machines, but also to view the plant in Mindelheim, in particular its recent dynamic development. 


Third open house exhibition in Mindelheim
GROB’s first open house exhibition was held exactly ten years ago in October 2003. At that time it was all about showcasing GROB’s newly devised manufacturing concept for the system business. The first open house exhibition for universal machines took place eight years later, in the newly built Technology and Application Center in Hall 8. On that occasion all the attention was on the G550. Few guests wanted to miss out on the opportunity to discover more about GROB’s new “universal machines”. These two open house exhibitions actually had little in common with the third edition. In recent years, now six years on and boasting the G550T and G750, the range of GROB universal machines has doubled. The fact that some 25 of GROB's partners showcased their range of products at this year's open house exhibition illustrates perfectly the dynamism in GROB's universal machine business. 


Open house exhibition a major success
However, the success of GROB’s third open house exhibition cannot be measured solely by the number of visitors. During the exhibition alone we sold no fewer than twenty machines: 2 x G350, 17 x G550 and 1 x G750. "We had made thorough preparations for the exhibition," said Peter Hermanns, head of sales GROB Universal Machines Germany. "And the date immediately after the EMO in Hanover was just right. By meeting here in Mindelheim, we could follow up many of the conversations we had had in Hanover and the results speak for themselves.” Alexander Attenberger, responsible for GROB Universal Machines International, was also pleased with the good international response to the trade fair. "We were obviously very pleased to see visitors from other European countries, but the fact that we could welcome visitors from further afield was a great honor.” 

They all took the opportunity to learn more from talks given by GROB representatives and external speakers. These talks covered the wide range of different applications for GROB’s universal machines, up to and including medical technology. Practically all of our visitors were keen to take part in the guided tours of the plant that followed. 


Among the visitors were students from Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and Mindelheim and Memmingen technical colleges. GROB’s next generation was given a fascinating insight into the world of mechanical engineering. GROB products were exhibited and GROB as an employer showcased. There was a very positive response from students, teachers and lecturers.


Voices at the exhibition:

Cefalo Giuseppe, EROWA:  The visitors got a good overview of GROB machine tools and the wide range of automation solutions. We also had some very good and interesting enquiries.

Daniel Burch, EROWA: A brilliantly organized “open house” with many high-quality customers and contacts. Well organized.

Marcel Haltiner, vb-tools: A very positive event, very well organized, first class. We had some good conversations and we’re hoping to get the ball rolling on one or two projects.

Giuseppe Semeraro, Lang-Technik: A very well organized open house exhibition, which gave us plenty of time for one-to-one consultations. From discussions with customers, we know that the concept of GROB’s universal machines always goes down very well. It is exactly what the market demands.