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Since the end of last year GROB-WERKE has had a presence on YouTube with its own channel. Technical videos showing machining of various materials as well as videos of the latest processing centers for the automotive industry can be found on the Company’s YouTube page. This is a another important step in the development of online activities of the GROB Group since it relaunched its web site two years ago.

The deciding factor in establishing a presence on YouTube was the demand for films about the latest machining options of the GROB 5-axis universal machining centers and processing centers. In order to provide current and potential customers with a suitable means to access the newest technical highlights – independent of location and time – a separate page in German and English was set up. Digital media offer an excellent opportunity to inform customers and prospects alike regarding GROB machines and their capabilities.

Various information categories
The films are divided into four categories: 5-axis universal machining centers, system machines, technical highlights and recruiting & training. The latest videos are uploaded at regular intervals and are available for subscription, so that interested parties can be simultaneously informed of all uploads.

Direct dialog with customers and prospects
Our corporate communications capabilities are expanded by yet another medium through our YouTube presence. There are a lot of reasons for this. The GROB product portfolio can be viewed in moving images at any time, any place outside of the People’s Republic of China. In addition, GROB’s YouTube presence enhances the awareness of the GROB Group, is a relevant ranking factor in search engine optimization, while supporting staff recruiting using videos about career opportunities at our Company.