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Since March 01, 2021, Kewei Hu is the new Managing Director Finance (CFO) at GROB Machine Tools (China) and together with CEO Marcus Ostler, CSO Biao Wang and Sales Vice President Thomas Neubert forms the Management Board of the Chinese GROB plant.
[Translate to en:] GROB-Werk in China

Kewei Hu reports to Marcus Ostler and has assumed the tasks of his predecessor Shen Tao, who has left the company. Mr. Hu's business segment includes the Controlling, Finance, Human Resources, IT and Training & Education departments. "I am very happy about the trust placed in me," said Kewei Hu after signing his contract. "My aim is to support the further development of GROB China with my experience from the consulting area and the industry," explains Hu. "As CFO of GROB China I will work closely with my team and my management colleagues to ensure further growth of GROB China."


This appointment marks the completion of the restructuring and realignment of the management team of GROB China. After the long-term CEO of GROB China, Hongzhi Ren, moved to the Supervisory Board last summer and was replaced by Marcus Ostler, Mr. Ostler now forms the management team of GROB China together with CSO Biao Wang, CFO Kewei Hu and Vice President Sales Thomas Neubert. The Supervisory Board of GROB China remains unchanged with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Christian Grob, the Chairman of the Management Board and CEO at GROB-WERKE German Wankmiller and Hongzhi Ren.


With currently 787 employees, GROB China is the second largest production plant of the GROB Group after the headquarters in Mindelheim.