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From March 15 - 19, 2021, GROB invites to a virtual in-house exhibition for the second time. Under the motto "GROB - Keeping up with the times," the five-day digital event will showcase solutions and products from the fields of machining and electromobility, but will also address topics from Industry 4.0 as well as the Service and Human Resources Management divisions. For almost a week, the platform offers a wide range of opportunities for networking and interaction with GROB engineers, experts, and developers. GROB - Keeping up with the times: Past and present, from live to digital.
[Translate to en:] GROB Virtual Open House 2021

Encouraged by the great success of the first virtual in-house exhibition last fall, and due to the current difficult circumstances caused by the Corona pandemic, GROB will not be holding a traditional in-house exhibition this year either, but will be appearing on a virtual platform for a duration of five days. The family-owned company presents the most important technologies and innovations from the world of machining as well as electromobility. The areas of Industry 4.0, service, and GROB as an employer will also be addressed. With the second virtual in-house exhibition, visitors are given the opportunity to gain an overview of GROB products and technologies. Furthermore, they will be able to interact with a wide range of experts from a wide variety of fields in machining and electromobility to exchange views on the latest technology developments.


With this second Virtual Open House, the format of digital communication was further developed and optimized at GROB. With the look of an in-person trade fair, this time GROB is not only presenting a "Machining" showroom but also an "Electromobility" showroom. The focus of the machine tools is the new 4-axis machine series. In addition, visitors can discover the benefits of the complete range of GROB machining, from the small G150 to the large G750. And automation solutions, from the pallet changer to the GROB GRC robot cell, will also be presented. The e-mobility showroom presents visitors with a complete range of services, from electric motors and electric machines to battery technologies and fuel cells.


Web seminars will also be held during the five days of the trade exhibition, focusing on the new 4-axis machine series, automation topics, electromobility, GROB-NET4Industry and GROB's After Sales Service. They show the entire range of GROB products, from machines to services. A new feature is the "GROB as an employer" category, which focuses in particular on the training offered at GROB. In order to expand the target groups and the respective topic focus, 42 industry partners were invited as co-exhibitors to this new edition of the Virtual Open House.


With the second edition of the digital in-house exhibition, GROB wants to close the gap left by the canceled trade fairs during the Corona crisis. "Corona has negated the possibility of acquiring new customers to a large extent," said GROB Sales Director Christian Müller, describing the current situation. "Trade shows and conferences are canceled. This makes digital tools all the more important for presenting new technologies," explains Christian Müller.