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Looking back and celebrating was the focus of this year's anniversary ceremony in Mindelheim held to honor the proud 147 employees who have served GROB for either 10, 25 or 40 years. But employees elsewhere on the globe are also honored this year. In Brazil, there are no fewer than 69 and in Bluffton a total of 43 employees with anniversaries to celebrate. The event highlighted their strong commitment to the GROB Group. It was also a clear expression of how closely our employees identify with the company.

It is rare for a GROB occasion to see a successful past and a dynamic future so closely intertwined as in this year's anniversary celebrations in Mindelheim. On the one hand, we had 147 loyal servants of the company, honored for either 10, 25 or 40 years of employment at the company. These are the company's top ambassadors, the people who are the company's basis and hand down the company's traditions and without whom a successful future for GROB is inconceivable; on the other hand more than 400 new employees were appointed in 2012 and they are seeing the evolution of a medium-sized family company into a global player in its sector. In November, the company paid tribute to those employees whose dedication, experience and commitment over the years have played a crucial role in ensuring that the GROB Group recorded unprecedented growth, especially in the recent past.


GROB's anniversary celebrations have a long tradition
Many companies hold anniversary celebrations. Annual anniversaries that are justifiably accorded a high status in our rapidly changing world. But they do accurately reflect the basic values, the atmosphere and the working environment in a company. They are an objective measure and clear indicator of how strongly people identify with their company and how they cope with the fast pace of change. All this of course also applies at GROB. But GROB anniversary celebrations are much more. They are based on a long tradition in the company and are an expression of the heartfelt appreciation we owe our employees.


A tradition that is maintained not only in Mindelheim, but in a comparable form in GROB's overseas plants. A tradition which ultimately comes from the Grob family and which forms an important element in the company's philosophy. It's a tradition that underpins high performance, the sort of high performance we saw in the past financial year, when the plant in Mindelheim was completely restructured and expanded. It was "all change" as Christian Grob aptly put it in his speech. Our traditions and our employees are a powerful force and the secret behind the GROB family business. Here it is not the moment that is celebrated. At GROB those deserving employees in the family business –the company's most valuable asset –are center-stage.


Anniversary celebrations under a lucky star
And yet this year's anniversary celebrations had their own special appeal. They took place at a time of historic upheaval at the Mindelheim plant. Not even in 1968, the year the company was founded, were so many new employees appointed as in 2012. And with each new employee the responsibilities of the "long-serving" employees increase. Colleagues who have grown up with the GROB traditions are a good example for newcomers. Soon those newcomers will be able to proudly state: "I work at GROB."


So once again GROB acknowledged its long-serving employees in grand style: In the vanguard were the 16, who have been with GROB for 40 years, i.e. since the company was founded in 1972. They started at GROB in the year of the 20th Olympic Summer Games in Munich. When our 67 silver celebrants arrived at the company, Berlin was celebrating its 750th anniversary. And then there are the 59 employees who have been at GROB for ten years. Their first salary was paid in euros. Put in a historical perspective, it becomes clear just how long 40, 25, and 10 years can feel. Congratulations to all our long-serving staff!