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A two million euro donation by our late owner, Dr. Burkhart Grob, towards the district hospital in Mindelheim has funded the acquisition of various items of medical equipment in the new Radiology department. A memorial plaque was unveiled in his honor at a reception to celebrate the official opening of the new hospital extension at the end of March.

Thanks to the donation from GROB, a new state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner went into operation at Mindelheim hospital at the end of last year. In future, it can be used not only for all standard clinical examinations, but also for all specific cardiac examinations. Two further devices were then installed at the start of this year: a new computer tomography scanner and a new angiography and fluoroscopic examination unit. Following the completion of the new clinic extension and of the newly equipped radiology department, the management at the hospital in Mindelheim issued invitations to attend a special reception at the end of March. At this reception, a memorial plaque was unveiled in honor of our late senior chief executive at GROB-WERKE.


Dr. Burkhart Grob always felt that it was very important for and the responsibility of the headquarters of GROB-WERKE in Mindelheim to be involved in social projects. This was not the first time that GROB-WERKE had provided vital support to a social institution within the region. Thanks to its generous support, the Burkhart Grob Technical School in Mindelheim was officially opened in April 2015. "My father always had a very real sense of his social responsibility at the headquarters of his company," explained Christian Grob, Chairman of the Supervisory Board at GROB, "and he was often keen to champion the social interests of the region. The GROB family will also continue to adopt this approach."