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A newly-released video tour is available for customers and prospects interested in getting an inside look at GROB’s state-of-the-art, 400,000 square foot facility in Bluffton, OH. Founded in the 1980s, the Ohio facility began machine tool building in 1990.

The once-small facility now employs over 550 people in several different, vertically-integrated offices: proposals and sales, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and a main factory space. GROB’s Bluffton facility also contains dedicated space for its large, four-year apprenticeship program.

From part production and painting to final assembly and testing, every stage of production for GROB’s machines takes place at the Bluffton facility. In addition to ensuring quality, this also allows the GROB Ohio team to provide unmatched service in-house, including spindle repair and rebuilds. The video tour allows for a sneak peek into these areas, as well as a demonstration of some of GROB’s industry leading machining products.

Interested in learning more? See the entire facility tour, with history and production information, for yourself here...