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Structural change in the automotive industry and an accelerated trend toward digitization not only demand new know-how, but also require a strong willingness on the part of Service to adapt to the increased demands of customers. This and many other topics were addressed by GROB Service at this year's In-house Exhibition as well as at the Global Service Meeting 2022.

In the run-up to the GROB In-house Exhibition, the Global Service Meeting 2022 took place. How often does it take place and who are the participants?


Actually, the Global Service Meeting takes place annually, but unfortunately this was not possible due to Corona. We were all the more pleased that we were able to meet again in Mindelheim this year, with the exception of our Chinese colleagues, who were connected virtually. So we could welcome our colleagues from the Asia-Pacific region, America and Europe.


What are the goals of the Global Service Meeting 2022?


This year we were focused on strengthening the production plants and the branches in the service area, which we want to achieve by further delegating responsibility and what we call "empowerment". In principle, this is about creating shorter paths by transferring competencies to the markets and thus becoming faster and more efficient.


The Global Service Meeting 2022 was divided into two workshops. "Journey from past to present" and "Route to the future". What were their most important contents?


Country-specific strengths/weaknesses analyses were conducted in various workshops and focus topics were identified for the individual countries. It also showed ways in which such an analysis can also lead to an effort/benefit result. 


What topics are presented by GROB Service at the 2022 In-house Exhibition?


At this year's In-house Exhibition, the focus will be on an extensive and interactive booth with two machines of our customer training and a daily service presentation in German and English. Current topics such as service agreements for consistently high productivity or the question of how long delivery and repair times can be circumvented by storing spare parts assemblies will be addressed.


GROB service for machining and e-mobility differs quite significantly in its range of services. What do the different offers look like and how can they be communicated?


For optimal planning and early development of storage concepts for spare parts supply, the new tool "GROB Stocking Recommendation" was developed in the machining area, which deals with the storage of critical spare parts to secure production. For e-mobility, our "New Technologies" task force was further expanded, whose task is to ensure sustainable support over the entire product life cycle.


How has the GROB service portfolio developed in recent years?


In the area of universal machining centers, we worked intensively on service agreements in order to further expand customer relationships. The focus here was on GROB production safety, consisting of "Maintenance Agreement" (Preventive Support) and "Service Level Agreement" (Reactive Support). Digitalization is also increasingly represented in the product portfolio, especially in the areas of customer training and remote support. For example, the "Prinzbox" system was recently introduced, with the help of which customers can follow a training virtually and from different perspectives. The e-learning platform complements flexible training with interactive modules for our customers.


Thank you very much for the interview!