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Never has the range of G-modules been so extensive with its various machine sizes and designs. This also includes the GROB F-series machining centers developed for machining frame structure and chassis parts as well as battery systems. One of these F-series machines, the G520F, will consequently take center stage at this year's in-house exhibition from May 3 to May 6 – one of the biggest machines GROB has ever presented at an exhibition, and one that measures up to the strategic shift in the supplier industry in particular.

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The world of GROB machining can nowadays look back on an almost 100-year-old tradition. And the future promises more – GROB is continuously developing its portfolio of universal machining centers at the highest level on the basis of market requirements and trends. Visitors to the sixth GROB in-house exhibition can inform themselves comprehensively on the current development status.


Visitors can also gain insight into how GROB has successively expanded and diversified its machining portfolio, particularly in light of the transformation of the automotive industry and the associated consequences for the supplier industry. This company strategy, combined with commitment in the area of electromobility, has proven itself to be consistent and the right choice, now more than ever.  


A machine concept for all important E-mobility components


The best example for the diversification of the GROB machine portfolio is the F-series: A typical crossover series for all important E-mobility components. With the F-series machines, GROB provides the fitting solution for lightweight construction components for E-drives (such as stator, transmission and battery housings) and structural components (sub-frames or frame structure components). Due to the increased work area and high dynamics, they provide the best conditions for machining next-generation parts. And thanks to overhead machining, the machine series has impressive optimized chip fall.


The machines can be setup as stand-alones or automated or interlinked in a group, and the machining accuracy is also optimized for the part requirements of the respective industry. Two types of part loading can always be selected: Either top loading via a GROB linear gantry, or front loading via a GROB pallet changing system, a swivelling or sliding changer, by a robot or manually by an employee.


Proven technology from the G-series product family


The A-axis/B-axis combination in the table guarantees free chip fall and optimal heat dissipation, ideal for MQL machining. The axis arrangement of the F-series corresponds to the tried and proven GROB machine concept of the G-series. Modular and standardized GROB machine components guarantee the best possible product quality, an extremely high dynamic and short chip-to-chip times. The G520F is a two-spindle machine for parallel machining of two parts. It has an interference diameter of up to 1,200 mm along the B'-axis and 1,200 mm along the A'-axis (without restriction) with a maximum part length of up to 1,500 mm (with restricted B'-axis swivel range).


The importance of the F-series will also be discussed against the background of the strategic supplier industry shift in one of the daily technical presentations during the in-house exhibition.