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GROB is celebrating ten years of its GROB-NET4Industry software and will be showcasing completely new approaches with a new concept at various stations at the in-house exhibition, especially on the topics of connectivity, brownfield (connection to other machine types), apps for productivity and digital tool data transfer. These novel approaches are of interest not only to our systems customers.
[Translate to en US:] Digitalisierung auf der GROB-Hausmesse 2023

Even in the early 2010s, when there was much talk about the fourth industrial revolution “Industry 4.0”, GROB was able to create transparency within the entire production process across plants with its GROB4Connect manufacturing execution system using web technology. After this first step, we developed feedback of the machine for the CIP process, allowing machines to communicate with their environment. At that time, this generated more than 60,000 feedbacks in the testing phase of GROB manufacturing.


Digitalization – an open-ended process


It has been a long road to this day starting with the market launch of GROB-NET4Industry with the first applications GROB4Coach and GROB4Simulate at the EMO 2015 in Milan. It has been possible for some time to connect and digitize not only GROB machines, but practically all machines and devices, including their controls, in a holistic digitalization concept. Today, GROB-NET4Industry already meets the requirements for the so-called brownfield approach. It allows a migration to other systems automatically and without further data or additional activities and without any functional changes. This is practically a 1:1 transformation of business processes.


Digitalization – new software applications for electromobility


Complex processes and systems with a high output, such as in electromobility, require different software solutions than in machining. Here, the focus is primarily on the digital acquisition of process and quality data. GROB has met these requirements and developed new software applications for electromobility systems that are used by both the customer and for commissioning and quality assurance of our own production lines. This means that in electromobility, both commissioning and process monitoring can be supported with GROB's digitalization solutions. Furthermore, the projects involve a direct and active exchange between GROB and OEMs for identifying and developing the right solutions.


Digitalization – in our 2023 in-house exhibition


What began back then with the first small steps in the field of Industry 4.0 and evolved through countless other steps, applications, and modules, has now reached a temporary peak with the digital tool data transmission GROB4TDX. It closes the gap between common tool management systems and machines. The GROB4TDX application transmits tool data automatically. During measurement in the tool adjustment room, the HSK holder is identified in order to link the tool data with it and submit it to a database in digital form. Identification can be carried out either by means of QR codes, DMC (Data Matrix Code) or RFID chip. Another new, modular application is GROB4Analyze, which enables the development of aggregated views for various roles (production manager, master, maintenance technician, operator), enabling every user to get the right numbers and values immediately in their specific view.


Digitalization – live and hands-on


Both processes will be shown live at the in-house exhibition on a tool holder and at a demonstration. The extended functions of the well-known GROB app GROB4Line will also be shown live. This app allows to clear simple errors on the machine via mobile phone, while continuing the NC program at the same time. This highly useful advantage is particularly effective in unmanned operation.