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In addition to traditional GROB service products, the PCU retrofit (Power Control Unit – machine control system) is becoming increasingly important. This involves extending the service lives of older machines with PowerLine controls, which can be upgraded to the latest standard by installing an industrial PC.

Mindelheim/Hanover. GROB presents its new PCU retrofit for the first time at this year's EMO. A process in which the old control of a machine is replaced by a new industrial PC with the Windows 10 operating system. This will make them fit again for the coming years and further increase their IT security. The PCU retrofit is suitable for all GROB machining centers, linear gantries, and transfer lines with PowerLine control system, and offers a number of benefits as well. This procedure is thus significantly cheaper than a complete upgrade from PowerLine to SolutionLine control and creates maximum IT security through the Windows 10 operating system. Installation takes only one day, during which the complete software preparation with test bench function test is carried out. GROB also offers the option of 10-year spare parts availability. The basis for this is a list of relevant electrical spare parts agreed between the customer and GROB, which are kept at GROB for the desired period. Under this option, GROB guarantees the customer fixed replacement prices and a warranty of 18 months for the entire period. If an electrical component fails, the customer will receive a spare part that has been tested right before shipping, EU-wide and within 24 hours.


ET express delivery and redesigned offer for preventative maintenance and inspection


The new express parts delivery system ensures unbeatably short delivery times during machine downtimes and reduces downtime to a minimum. With GROB's flexible express production, any required spare parts can be manufactured with top priority and delivered within the shortest possible timeframe, subject to an express surcharge. The specific delivery time depends on the complexity of the individual component.


The range of preventative maintenance and inspection services for universal machine customers has also been completely revamped, offering the greatest possible flexibility and customer orientation. Conventional standard maintenance was replaced by the four different modules inspection, wear part replacement, motor spindle geometry and machine geometry in order to be able to respond to customer-specific, individual requirements. This allows the customer to put together a suitable maintenance concept from the modules.


GROB4Care online shop gaining popularity


The GROB4Care online shop is a tried-and-tested service that enables interactive spare parts research and ordering using a convenient online portal for maintenance, scheduling, and purchasing. Customers can use the online shop to check the availability of spare and wear parts in real time using stock queries, and reserve them for 48 hours. GROB4Care can be easily integrated into the customer's ERP system. In addition, individual authorization and approval processes can be mapped, and different rights and budgets can be assigned. Several new functions in GROB4Care will be presented at the EMO exhibition. This also includes "My Stock," a platform designed for customers with individual spare parts stocking (ETV), where the specific spare parts stock is displayed in the online shop.