Mindelheim/Hannover. Modules within GROB-NET4Industry allow you to manage direct and indirect areas around the machining process – the aim being to achieve the most efficient utilization of your high-precision, premium-quality machines. From production planning, monitoring, and analysis to the visualization of workpiece machining processes, proactive servicing, and maintenance, all areas of production are integrated.
The available GROB-NET4Industry modules:
GROB4Line Monitor machines via smartphone
GROB4Analyze Machine feedback for the CIP process
GROB4Coach Programming, simulating, training
GROB4Simulate Easy simulation of complex processes and parts
GROB4Connect Connect the shop floor to the ERP system
GROB4Track Monitor machine axes at all times
GROB4Care Service and maintenance portal
GROB4Pilot Multifunctional and interactive machine operation
GROB4Automation Intuitive control software for unmanned operation
GROB4Interface Machine communication the easy way
GROB4Portal Secure industry platform for all cloud services and other services
GROB-NET4Industry modules have integration platforms for all machine types and are available on the control systems of the leading manufacturers SIEMENS, HEIDENHAIN and FANUC. The goal is to be able to implement manufacturer-independent digitization concepts and to offer comprehensive project support to all customers. Even companies and users without specialist IT skills can make a smart start without having to invest a great deal of time.
The newly developed GROB4Pilot control enables almost entirely paperless production operations. The multifunctional and interactive operating concept is state of the art, featuring a capacitive touch screen, internet connectivity, and 3D support that makes it possible to depict all processes relating to machining. Boasting a feedback function and a walk through supported by visual features, the controllers also open up a whole new way of working.
In cooperation with the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW), GROB-WERKE is actively involved in the development of mutual machine connectivity. Work covering all manufacturers has been performed on this IoT project since February 2017. The goal is to create a standard for machine connectivity and networking. “Together we’re stronger” is the motto for this aspect of Industry 4.0. By identifying solutions together, we will be able to offer them on the market in a more effective and ultimately more economical way. The plan is for the first joint prototype based on OPC UA technology and open to all common protocols to be developed by Q2/2018, with the goal of presenting and releasing this at the AMB 2018 trade fair.
At EMO, the machine tool builders are already showing off mutual connections for their software solutions. In addition to GROB-WERKE, the other participants are DMG MORI, Hermle AG, and Gebr. Heller Maschinenfabrik. Further cooperations are expected to be agreed over the coming weeks.
In the future, classical mechanical engineering will be increasingly influenced by software solutions and algorithms. GROB-WERKE not only wants to be a part of this change, it intends to play a leading role in this area. We want to shape and define this age.