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The Green Revolution is now a part of the main challenges of the industrial sector and the achievement of international objectives related to decarbonisation represents one of the most important collective goals. Between 2022 and 2023, the transformation linked to electromobility has expanded the panorama of solutions offered, with particular attention to the more efficient, innovative and sustainable alternatives defined by axial flow engines up to hydrogen fuel cells.
CEOs of GROB Italy

We asked the CEOs of GROB Italy what the objectives will be for 2024 and how the Company is preparing to face the next challenges of the sector.


Where the market is aiming: Light E-mobility technologies remain in the lead


The transition to electric is evolving very quickly and it is becoming increasingly clear which are the most interesting solutions in which the major players in the sector are investing. Thanks to the work carried out this year, we have been able to respond to the requests of our Customers with a portfolio enriched with new solutions: Axial Flux, Post Punching Process and fuel cells will be among the products in which we will also invest in 2024, alongside our tip - the coil insertion.

In 2022 and 2023 we saw growing interest in light electric mobility and this trend allowed us to develop two new production lines: the Permanent Magnet Rotor Line and the Stator Line for Light Electric Vehicles (two and three wheels, in particular way). Thanks to the success of these solutions - appreciated by customers for their compact design, reliability and efficiency - we will continue their promotion throughout next year.

We have conceived very ambitious objectives; their achievement will depend both on our technological foresight and on the way of working as a team, which will have to be more consciously oriented towards achieving results and with more effective brand awareness.


Klaus Eberts – CEO Sales and Inter Company affairs



Engineering that looks to the future


GROB Italy is a “technically driven” company, strongly oriented towards innovation and with the extraordinary advantage of bringing together both Design and Production under one roof. This allows our engineers greater creative flexibility and a greater sense of the practicality of certain solutions over others. In 2024 we will enhance this aspect by focusing, on the one hand, on the development of new proposals and, on the other, by strengthening the simultaneous engineering service which will be dedicated to projects with a high level of innovation.

Production will also be updated on new processes and will see an expansion of its production capabilities.

As regards training, the next generation represents the force in which we intend to invest more and in 2024 we will further consolidate the relationship and exchange with senior tutors: we believe, in fact, that the training of younger people must in any case be based on a consolidated knowledge of traditional processes.


Pier Paolo Villois – CTO GROB Italy



A responsible company is a sustainable company


2024 will be a year of rapid changes for GROB Italy. The process began already this year with the important transition to SAP which marked an overall reorganization of all activities. In the new year we will actively work on the implementation of sustainability parameters.

ESG (Environmental, Sustainability, Governance) will be one of the aspects we will focus on best since the development of these factors requires a profound change in mentality and management of business models. In this sense we plan to obtain the ISO 14001 environmental certification and to begin the data collection necessary to obtain the Carbon Footprint in the future.

Achieving these objectives will allow the company to more accurately manage resources and allow us to have more precise and informed control over the environmental impact of our production and products.


Marco Debilio - CEO – Commercial department