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Apprenticeship at GROB

GROB vocational training: 192 new apprentices worldwide

With 108 new apprentices and dual study program students at the main plant in Mindelheim alone, this year the total number of apprentices joining the GROB Group worldwide will grow to 192 (15 in Brazil, 13 in China, 1 in Italy, and 45 in the USA). This brings the total number of talented young…

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The first GROB aerospace seminar, held in the new Technology and Applications Center in Mindelheim was a great success. During this two-day event at the beginning of May, more than fifty participants from eleven countries were able to learn about the potential applications of the GROB 5-axis…
During the Qualitas 2015 Event, GROB Systems was recognized as the best supplier, receiving the Capital Equipment Quality Award from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) in Detroit.
Florian Eisenschmid completed his training as electronics technician for automation technology at GROB with a grade-point average of 1.0, putting him at the head of his class at the Memmingen Vocational School. Consequently the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Swabia has honored him as the best in…
The new technical school in Mindelheim has been completed in the record time of two years. The ambitious project was made possible by a generous donation by our Company’s owner, Dr. Burkhart Grob, on the occasion of the visit of the Bavarian State Premier Horst Seehofer at the beginning of March…
The “Supplier of the Year Silver Award” from Shanghai General Motors (SGM) in Shanghai, “GP Progressive Partner Award” from FAW-Volkswagen in Changchun, “Intec Prize” for the innovating G-Net application concept at the intec in Leipzig, and now “Supplier of the Year Award” from General Motors in…
Since the end of last year GROB-WERKE has had a presence on YouTube with its own channel. Technical videos showing machining of various materials as well as videos of the latest processing centers for the automotive industry can be found on the Company’s YouTube page. This is a another important…
Within a month, GROB-WERKE has been honored with two special awards for its outstanding achievements in China, its highly important export market. For the third time in a row they have received the “Supplier of the Year Award” from Shanghai General Motors (SGM), and for the first time they have been…
In September of last year, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) approved the SOPHIE joint research project for the framework program “Virtual Technologies for the Factory of the Future” which should contribute to the future-oriented project “Industry 4.0”. The core of the…
The GROB Group was proud to receive from the Ford Motor Company the prestigious "Award of Recognition" for their innovative ideas and forward-looking development of solutions for the maintenance of GROB systems at Ford's Dagenham plant in the UK. The "Certificate of Achievement" highlighted the…
The AMB and IMTS concluded an extremely successful year of trade fairs for GROB-WERKE in 2014. Over 200,000 visitors to both fairs have amply demonstrated the significance of the IMTS as the leading trade show in America and the importance of the AMB as one of the five largest machine tool trade…